Nizam of Samarkand narrates: “I heard Omar Khayyam predict, ‘My grave will be in a spot where the trees will shed their blossoms on me twice in each year.’
“Which seemed to me impossible, for, there is but one springtime in each year. Still I knew that Omar Khayyam never spoke idle words.
“Then, in the year 1135 AD (530 AH) – it being some years since the great Omar had veiled his countenance in the dust – I came to city of Nishapur (Iran); and I went to visit his grave on the eve of Friday. I found his tomb lay at the feet of garden wall, over which hung the flowering branches of pear and peach. On his grave had fallen so many flower-petals that his dust was covered beneath them.
“Then I remembered what he once said, and I feel to weeping. Because, I had found no one to compare with him. May God have mercy upon him.”
Source: Chahar Maqala (Four Discourses) of Nizami Arudi Samarqandi (چہار مقالہ از نظامی عروضی ثمرقندی)
What makes me wonder is how Omar Khayyam predicted such an unusual event from his own chart. Generally, one’s “grave” is considered from 4th house in traditional (western) astrology. Death from 8th house, and legacy from 5th house are common significations in eastern and western astrology.
Omar Khayyam was born with Gemini ascendant. The 4th house is Virgo according to tropical zodiac, and whole-sign house system. But Virgo is a barren sign. On the other hand, quadrant house system yields 4th cusp in Leo – another barren sign. This may be contradictory at first sight, what Khayyam predicted about his flowery grave.
Nonetheless, planets play more important than signs, especially when they enjoy essential or accidental dignities. Let’s first consider lord of sign, which is Mercury. Mercury is closely conjoined with Venus (flowers) in 1st house (spring) in Gemini (twice occurrence). Lord of 4th house, i.e. Mercury is further receiving trinal aspect of Jupiter.
Although people tend to believe fantasy and legend, but there are many historical references and reasons to admit that Khayyam was well versed in astrology. No doubt Omar Khayyam was a great Persian poet, but his artistic talent overshadowed his other expertise, including mathematics, calendar making and astrology.