“Astro Q&A” is an online learning service and a unique offer, you hardly find anywhere else especially at such an affordable price. Right now two types of offers are available: Brief Astro Q&A, and Detailed Astro Q&A. Choose any offer according to your need.
- Brief Astro Q&A (short answer ~ 200 to 250 words) US $3
- Detailed Astro Q&A (long answer ~ 400 to 500 words) US $5
- This section is for astrology students and learners, who have questions regarding principle and practice of astrology. Self-taught enthusiasts, amateurs and novices are welcome.
- Your question should be related to study of astrology (any known branch of astrology, like Jyotish or Vedic astrology, modern western astrology, Hellenistic astrology, Persian or Arabic astrology etc.).
- This segment does not entertain your birth chart interpretation or part of it. For personal horoscope readings, please visit “Astrology Report” section.
- You are requested to put forward single question in one attempt that should be clearly defined and plainly composed. In case of receiving multiple questions, only first one shall be entertained. However, corollary or condition of same question can be added.
- Avoid questions that ask for rigorous mathematical steps, like how to manually calculate shadbala or how to manually calculate natal horoscope from ephemeris and table of houses? Since these type of questions cannot be explained in one or two pages.
- Avoid disputed questions, like comparison b/w astrology and religion, astrology and science. In addition, topics like paranormal activities, claims of pseudo-scientists, refutation of skeptics and historical disputes should better abstain here at this forum.
- Discernment between different schools of astrology and respect for all authorities should keep in mind. There are commonalities as well as dissimilarities among them. This service answers the widely accepted theory and best practicing approach.
- You will receive your answer within couple of days as a PDF file at provided email address. The amount sent is not refundable however it is exchangeable in unusual circumstances. Please carefully read Return and Refund Policy.
Sample Questions
Q-1: I’m new to Vedic astrology and have frequently heard that Navamsa holds an important role in Jyotish. Is it only used for marital life analysis or something more? Please list the important utilities of Navamsa.
Q-2: Jyotish texts instruct to consider three primary factors for any topical analysis: House, Lord and its Karaka. What is the most important factor among them? How to prioritize them?
Q-3: I’ve been studying astrology for years, but could not decipher why Sade Sati sometime proves extremely bad, sometime moderately difficult and sometime leads to great achievement?
Q-4: Should we consider nakshatra lordship (according to Vimshottari Dasa scheme) for general topical analysis? If yes then why favourable nakshatras are ruled by malefic planets and vice versa?
Q-5: Does Jyotish consider 3rd house for schooling, 5th house for college education and 9th house for university degree, or this classification is a recent adoption?
Q-6: In Jyotish, it is said that Saturn gets strength of dik bala in 7th house, but most of the books and blogs say that Saturn brings divorce and death of spouse? How you would reconcile this?
Q-7: Between Rasi Chart and Bhava Chalit, what chart should prefer? Please explain the utility of Bhava Chalit Chart.
Q-8: Generally 11th is considered a very favourable place for any planet. But on the other hand, Parashara says that 11th lord becomes the first rate malefic. Please explain the contradiction.
Q-9: I’m an amateur in western/tropical astrology, and find difficulty in discerning ‘effects of planets in sign’ and ‘effects of planets in house. Both results look quite similar. What do you advice?
Q-10: By and large, why square and opposition aspects are treated negatively. And why trine and sextile aspects are delineated positively in western astrology. What is underlying principle?
Q-11: What are the necessary conditions for a valid ‘mutual reception’ in traditional western and Hellenistic astrology? Can two planets come in mutual reception without having mutual aspect?
Q-12: Please explain how to determine Hayyiz and Halb that are two important concepts of planetary strength in Persian astrology.